How to add website copy

You can use the Text widget to fill your website with content or highlight key points and ensure seamless navigation.

In this article, we'll talk about how to add website copy.

Add the Text widget

Click Add widget and select Text.

By default, the widget includes Heading 2 text and a paragraph. You can modify the styles to enhance your website’s copy and maintain smooth navigation.

Customize your text

To edit your text, click the text field. You can customize any text based on its purpose by selecting and editing it using the toolbar.

To change the text type, select an option from the dropdown list.

To apply style settings to the text, you must first highlight it.

Paragraph Defines the default style of body text.
Heading 2 Second-level titles that help divide the text into subsections related to the main topic, typically serving as website section headers.
Heading 3
Heading 4
Third and fourth-level headings that provide more information or break up sections.
Lead text Introductory text or announcement. It is usually larger than the body text and draws attention to key points.
Larger text Emphasizes or highlights important information.
Quote Formats direct quotes or thoughts.
Smaller text Adds more information or details, such as image captions or notes.
Caption Describes or explains images or other visuals.
Heading 1 Main page or section titles that highlight the key topics.

Customize your text using other tools:

Font size Select a font size.
Text style Select a text style: Bold, Italic, Underlined, or Strikethrough.
Text color Select a text color from your website’s color scheme or other schemes, or create a custom color.
Background color Select a text background color from your website’s color scheme or other schemes, or create a custom color.
Insert/edit link Add a URL to the selected text or enter a text to display. Type in the text that will appear as the link preview, and choose whether your link should open in a current or new window.
List Add a numbered or bullet list.
Alignment Select a text alignment: Align center, Align left, Align right, or Justify.
Source code Format your text as code.

You can also enhance your text using AI. Click Use AI to improve your text, change its tone of voice, or translate it into another language. To generate text using AI, click Create new request.

Read more: How to improve or generate your website copy with AI.

Customize the widget

Widget customization allows you to adjust your overall website copy style.

Alignment Positions your text and its internal padding relative to the parent element's edge.
Width Allows you to set a percentage of text width that will be filled with content.

This field supports values both less and greater than 100%. For example, setting 50% makes the widget take up half of its column’s space, 200% makes it take up twice the column’s size, and a negative number leaves the widget unchanged.

Position Allows you to move your text left, right, up, or down.
Hide widget on Makes the widget not visible on mobile or desktop devices.
Animation Adds scroll animation to make your page more interactive and captivating.

Read more: How to customize your site elements.

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