Statistics and Analysis

Detailed information about efficiency of your campaigns

  • How to check statistics on a contact

    Last Updated: 07.12.2023

    When you click on an email address, you can track detailed information about it: the date and source of the subscription, data on activity in mailings, and variables.

  • How to track your email campaign statistics in SendPulse

    Last Updated: 07.12.2023

    With SendPulse, you can track your email campaign results to better understand your target audience and tailor your marketing strategy. Monitor your delivered and opened emails, click-throughs, email open rate, users’ location and device types.

  • How to export email campaign data

    Last Updated: 07.12.2023

    The SendPulse email service allows you to export recipients’ email addresses and campaign statistics to your device. The reports provide the information on your email marketing campaign effectiveness (overall statistics, recipient location, a click map in the email body, and error statistics).

  • How to track statistics on subscription form events

    Last Updated: 07.12.2023

    When creating a subscription form using the SendPulse builder, you can enable statistics collection in Google Analytics 4. Monitor your traffic sources and analyze which channel is more effective.

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