How to add a flow to your Meta Ads Manager account

With SendPulse, you can add an Instagram or Facebook chatbot flow to your Meta Ads Manager account to create ad campaigns and send messages according to a predefined scenario. When users click your ad, your added flow will be triggered automatically.

In this article, we will talk about how to add flows when creating ad campaigns.

Transfer a flow to your Meta Ads Manager account

Create a flow, add Message as your first element, and select the Add the current flow to the list of available ones in your Facebook Ads manager checkbox. Click Apply to save the element’s settings.

Then, add elements according to your scenario.

Make sure to add a button or quick reply to your first message so that users can go to the next flow element.

Click Save and exit.

Create a campaign in Meta Ads Manager

Go to your Meta Ads Manager account, and click Create.

Select an objective and set a budget

You can choose the Engagement or Traffic objective for your SendPulse flow.

We will use the Involvement objective to show you how this works.

Read also: How to choose the right ad objective in Meta Ads Manager.

Click Continue.

In the next step, select the Manual engagement campaign option, and click Continue.

Enter a name in the Campaign name field.

Scroll down, turn on the Advanced campaign budget settings toggle, and select a budget type (daily or the entire period) and amount in the Campaign budget section.

Click Next.

Specify a conversation location and ad page

Select Messaging app in the Conversion location field and Click to message as an ad type.

In the Facebook page section, select the page linked to your chatbot, using which you will chat with users.

You can select two messaging apps to reach a larger audience.

Scroll down, set up your campaign dates, select your country, and add an audience description.

Click Next.

Add text and media files

In the Ad setup section, select an ad format (one image, video, or carousel). Click Add media, and add files.

In the Primary text field, enter your ad text, and add a title below.

In the Call to action field, select Send a message.

Customize your message template

In the Message template section, add the text users will see after clicking your ad. To link a SendPulse flow, select Partner app, and click Select a flow.

In the opened modal window, select where to lead users:

  • if you show your ad on multiple social media platforms, for example, Facebook and Instagram, select SendPulse;
  • if you show your ad only on Instagram, select SendPulse Inst.

In the Message flow field, select the flow you want to add.

You will only see the flows you have added to your Meta Ads Manager account earlier.

Click Finish.

View your message and run your ad

To see what your message and ad will look like, go to the Destination preview tab on the left, and view your template. Check if the added message looks like the one you have created at the first step.

If everything is correct, click Publish.

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