How to add form tracking events for Impressions, Submissions, and Closings

Collect additional information about user behavior on the site with a subscription form using events.

You can track the following events:

  • Showing the form to the visitor
  • Form submission
  • Closing a pop-up form (if you have selected a "popup-window", "floating" or "fixed" form)

When form events are triggered you can implement additional scenarios: display an additional block of text, redirect users to another page, send data to your analytics system, and so on.

Add a script that will be triggered by the selected event before the closing tag </body> to the page with the form.

Code example to track Show Form event:

document.addEventListener ("spFormShowEvent", function (e) { ("Event is:", e); ("Custom data is:", e.detail);

Code example to track Submit Form event:

document.addEventListener ("spFormSubmitEvent", function (e) { ("Event is:", e); ("Custom data is:", e.detail);

Code example to track Close Form event:

document.addEventListener ("spFormCloseEvent", function (e) { ("Event is:", e); ("Custom data is:", e.detail);

You can add all three events or just one.

With the event you receive not only the event notification itself, but also the Form ID that triggered the event.

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