Web Push Notifications API
Get a list of sent web push campaigns
To get a list of sent web push campaigns, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/tasks |
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
limit | int | Number of records | optional |
offset | int | Offset (first record to be displayed) | optional |
from* | string | Starting date | optional |
to* | string | Ending date | optional |
website_id | id | Website ID set for a campaign | optional |
*You must use such a format for dates: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
The maximum number of entries in one reply is 100.
Use the offset
parameter to indicate the starting entry.
When using additional parameters, form URL in the following format (the example shows how to retrieve 10 entries starting from the 2nd one):
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/tasks/?limit=10&offset=2 |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"id": 121,
"title": "push title",
"body": "push text",
"website_id": 53,
"from": "2015-11-17 14:44:47",
"to": "2015-12-23 19:42:27",
"status": 13
Get a total number of websites
To get a total number of websites, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/total |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"total": 2
Get a list of websites
To get a list of websites, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/ |
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
limit | int | Number of records | optional |
offset | int | Offset (first record to be displayed) | optional |
When using additional parameters, form URL of the following format:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/?limit=10&offset=2 |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"id": 53,
"url": "www.test-site.com",
"add_date": "2015-11-23 14:42:37",
"status": 1
Get a list of variables for a website
To get a list of variables for a certain website, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/{id}/variables |
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Website ID | required |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"id": 97,
"name": "uname",
"type": "string"
Get a list of website subscribers
To get a list of website subscribers, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/{id}/subscriptions |
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Website ID | required |
limit | int | Number of records | optional |
offset | int | Offset (first record to be displayed) | optional |
subscription_date_from | string | Filter by date the subscribers were added (specify date and time from and to duration of time), set in format YYYY-MM-DD |
optional |
subscription_date_to | string | Filter by date the subscribers were added (specify date and time from and to duration of time), set in format YYYY-MM-DD |
optional |
When using additional parameters, form URL of the following format:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/{id}/subscriptions/?limit=10&offset=2 |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"id": 311003743,
"browser": "Firefox",
"lang": "en",
"os": "Linux",
"country_code": "UA",
"city": "Dnipro",
"variables": [],
"subscription_date": "2018-08-13 14:27:11",
"status": 1
"id": 311008277,
"browser": "Opera",
"lang": "en",
"os": "Linux",
"country_code": "UA",
"city": "Dnipro",
"variables": [],
"subscription_date": "2018-08-13 14:33:51",
"status": 1
Possible push subscrbers' statuses:
Status code | Status name |
0 | Deactivated |
1 | Active |
6 | Unsubscribed |
Get a number of website subscribers
To get a total number of website subscribers, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/{id}/subscriptions/total |
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Website ID | required |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"total": 2
Get an information about a website
To get an information about a website, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/info/{id} |
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Website ID | required |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"id": 111111,
"url": "yoursite.com",
"status": "active",
"icon": "https://login.sendpulse.com/img/my/push/push-default-icons/icon.png",
"add_date": "2017-11-09 13:08:37",
"total_subscribers": 1081,
"unsubscribed": 30,
"subscribers_today": 10,
"active_subscribers": 1051
Get a JS code for a website
To get a JS code for a website, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/websites/{id}/code |
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Website ID | required |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"script_url": "//web.webpushs.com/js/push/00008bf5640047e81be53f4a2891dd36e9_1.js",
"script_code": "<script charset=\"UTF-8\" src=\"//web.webpushs.com/js/push/00008bf5640047e81be53f4a2891dd36e9_1.js\" async></script>"
Activate/deactivate a subscriber
To activate or deactivate a subscriber, send a POST request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/subscriptions/state |
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Subscriber ID | required |
state | int | Subscriber state trigger, 1 – activated, 0 – deactivated |
required |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"result": true
Create a new web push campaign
To create a new web push campaign, send a POST request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/tasks |
Note that the limit is 1 campaign per 15 minutes for each website.
Use the Automation360 toolset for triggered campaigns.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
title | string | Title | required |
website_id | int | Website ID | required |
body | string | Web push notification content | required |
ttl | int | Push notification lifetime in seconds, max - 86400 sec (24 hours) | required |
link | string | Navigation link; if it’s not specified, the website URL will be used | optional |
filter_lang | string | Filter subscribers by language (for example, en ) |
optional |
filter_browser | string | Filter subscribers by the browser; this parameter can take multiple values separated by commas (for example – Chrome , Safari ) |
optional |
filter_region | string | Regional filter, accepts a JSON string with country codes, for instance ["UK"] | optional |
filter_url | string | URL filter, accepts a JSON string of such format {"type":"include","search":"pu"} . type can have three values - 'direct ', 'include ', 'exclude '. When type equals 'direct ' - search is an array of links, in other cases - search will be a regular string for search |
optional |
filter_subscription_date_from | string | Use YYYY-MM-DD format to specify starting and ending dates of the interval to filter subscribers by the date they were added to the list |
optional |
filter_subscription_date_to | string | Use YYYY-MM-DD format to specify starting and ending dates of the interval to filter subscribers by the date they were added to the list |
optional |
filter | object | Segmentation by one of the variables | optional |
stretch_time | int | Timespan in which the campaign must be completed. In seconds. If not specified, the default time (5 hours) applies. | optional |
send_date | string | Schedule a campaign for a specific date and time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (for example, 2020-09-11 16:19:10 ) |
optional |
buttons | string | Insert a button to the campaign, accepts a JSON string, that lists buttons and their values, for example: [{"text":"Button1","link":"link1"}] (maximum two buttons) |
optional |
image | string |
Insert a larger image into the web-push notification, *The image must be in the JPG, PNG or GIF format and less than 200KB |
optional |
icon | string |
This parameter is used to insert a custom image of a standard size: |
optional |
Please note: you can add up to 10 filters for 1 campaign.
Example of filter parameter structure:
"variable_name": "uname",
"operator": "or",
"conditions": [
"condition": "likewith",
"value": "a"
"condition": "notequal",
"value": "b"
Response parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | ||
variable_name | string | Variable name | ||
operator | string | Connecting operator, only accepts or or and values |
conditions | array | Array of conditions | ||
condition | Accepts following values: | |||
equal | Completely equal | |||
notequal | Completely not equal | |||
greaterthan | More than | |||
lessthan | Less than | |||
startwith | Starts with | |||
endwith | Ends with | |||
likewith | Contains | |||
notlikewith | Does not contain | |||
value | Variable value |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
"result": true,
"id": 1
Get statistics on sent campaigns
To get statistics on sent campaigns, send a GET request to:
https://api.sendpulse.com/push/tasks/{id} |
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | Description | |
id | int | Web Push campaign ID | required |
If request is successful, you will receive a response:
Web Push campaign statuses:
Code | Description |
0 | New campaign |
2 | In progress |
3 | Sent |
8 | Test campaign sent |
12 | No active recipients |
13 | Campaign creation in progress — copying subscriptions |
15 | Campaign awaiting results of A/B testing |
16 | Canceled by user |
30 | Archived |