AI marketing automation is the process of using artificial intelligence to improve customer support, sales, and customer experience. Data collection, personalization, predictive analysis, natural language processing, and machine learning allow marketers to generate content, provide instant responses, and improve customer satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll uncover why marketers use AI for automation and how to use it. We’ll also show you how to automate AI marketing with SendPulse and provide some effective tips to achieve even better results.

Why do marketers use AI for automation?

There are numerous reasons for marketers to use AI for automation. Here are the main ones.

  • Efficiency. With AI automation, business owners automate repetitive tasks, allowing marketers to focus on more urgent issues. These tasks include data analysis, content creation, email scheduling, and social media posting, ensuring consistency across various channels.
  • Consistency. AI allows companies to stay consistent in their marketing efforts by operating based on predefined rules and algorithms. With automation, marketers deliver uniform messaging and branding across multiple communication channels, ensuring brand consistency and seamless customer experience.
  • Speed. AI-powered automation allows marketers to quickly react to changes in market trends and customer actions. Incorporating real-time data analysis and automated decision-making allows marketers to adjust their marketing strategies and campaigns, contributing to competitiveness.
  • Optimization. AI automation helps optimize marketing campaigns by analyzing their performance and feedback. With machine learning algorithms, business owners can identify patterns and predict outcomes. It enables them to determine the appropriate targeting strategy, messaging, and marketing approaches to achieve the best results.
  • Cost-effectiveness. When using automation for repetitive tasks, companies reduce operational costs while improving efficiency. After investing in AI marketing automation, marketers can expect significant cost savings and a higher ROI over time.
  • Personalization. AI-powered automation enables marketers to provide customers with highly personalized experiences across different marketing channels. After analyzing customer data, AI helps segment audiences, generate content, and tailor communications based on customer preferences and behavior.

Now that you know how AI automation can benefit your business, it’s time to explore how to utilize it.

How to use AI marketing automation?

AI-powered automation is a game-changer for marketers, offering increased efficiency, seamless customer experiences, and successful campaign execution. In this section, we'll delve into the practical applications of AI automation and demonstrate how it can revolutionize your marketing efforts.

  • Personalization. With AI, you can personalize content and how you communicate with different audience segments. By providing relevant product recommendations, email content, and ad campaigns that match different audience groups based on customers' preferences and behavior, you can improve conversions and customer experience.
  • Segmentation. By applying AI algorithms, you can segment leads and clients based on demographics, behavior, interests, and other criteria. Machine learning allows you to identify patterns and preferences, resulting in better targeting.
  • Improving customer service with chatbots. AI-powered chatbots offer businesses a powerful tool for engaging with prospects and customers, providing instant human-like answers, and ensuring round-the-clock support. AI helps you enhance customer engagement, streamline processes related to promotion, sales, and assistance, and boost business growth. While incorporating advanced technology and automation, your company can ensure better customer experiences, improve efficiency, and attain business goals faster.
  • Lead qualification. AI automation enables your business to improve lead management and achieve better results. When utilizing advanced technology and data-driven insights, your company can optimize its lead qualification efforts and drive growth and profitability.
  • Lead nurturing. AI automation helps you build stronger relationships with prospects, improve the nurturing process, and drive better results across the entire sales funnel. By applying automation consistently, you’ll be able to gain trust and drive your business revenue.
  • Customer data collection. With AI automation, you can effectively gather information about customer behavior and preferences to approach them with relevant messages in the future. It will help you establish trusting relationships with customers, encouraging them to return and perform repeat purchases.
  • Post-purchase communication. AI-powered chatbots allow you to communicate with clients after they buy from you. Automated human-like questions will enable you to collect valuable insights and customer feedback on your products, customer service, and overall experience with your brand. This data will improve your marketing strategy and things related to your product or service. As a result, you’ll be able to enhance customer experience and improve customer satisfaction.

Now that you know how to incorporate AI marketing automation, it’s time to find out how you can do it with a multichannel platform like SendPulse.

How to automate AI marketing with SendPulse?

To automate AI marketing, you’ll need a professional platform that allows you to do it. SendPulse is one of them. This multichannel marketing solution allows you to create chatbots, web push notifications, websites, email campaigns, and pop-ups and deliver them to the right people at the right time. It also helps you build courses, live chat, and use its CRM. However, in this section, we’ll focus on the development of AI-powered chatbots for WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger.

SendPulse enables you to build a conversational chatbot and integrate it with ChatGPT. By creating such chatbots for messengers and social media, you’ll be able to provide consistent, relevant, detailed, and human-like responses. The service allows you to determine the topics your bot can cover and its tone and language. As a result, you provide customers with a chatbot that uses natural language and ensures open-ended answers with all the details prospects and customers need.

By using integrations with OpenAI tools, you can process voice messages and generate custom images to help customers visualize their requests. This feature is a must for small businesses providing made-to-order items.

Even more, SendPulse’s integration with AI empowers you with the necessary tools to build chatbot flows and template messages in the service. So you won’t need to spend days creating quality chatbot flows for your prospects and customers.

Here’s a short guide on developing a chatbot flow using AI in SendPulse.

Step 1. Build a flow

Proceed to the “Chatbots” section, select a bot from the list, and create a new flow. Click “Create a flow using AI” in the editor’s field. If you don’t have a chatbot in the service yet, we recommend you check out the instructions on how to do it.

Step 2. Add a prompt

Add short instructions on what your flow should contain and look like. Strive to describe the flow as clearly and in detail as possible, allowing AI to understand and meet your needs. Click “Create a flow.”

Step 3. Edit the flow

Wait a few minutes for your newly generated flow. Once the flow is ready, you can make some improvements by editing its elements. You can add more information, check it for variables and tags, and add unaccounted-for links between elements.

You can add variables in text to personalize your message. To add a variable, click {} in the right corner of the text block and select the variable from the drop-down menu.

You can attach tags to your subscribers when they click on the necessary button or go through a certain flow branch scenario. This way, you can filter your subscribers based on a particular tag and send them a message. Go to the flow editing mode, drag the “Action” element to the workspace, and link it with your button.

SendPulse’s site builder also has an AI writing assistant. It will help you rewrite, translate, or proofread your text. With this builder, you’ll avoid brainstorming sessions and double-checking for typos or mistakes in content before you launch your website.

Below, you can see how to generate new text using AI in the service. The process is fast and straightforward and provides good content within minutes.

Now that you know how to use SendPulse to automate AI marketing, let’s jump into the effective AI marketing automation tips.

11 Tips for Effective AI Marketing Automation

You can use AI in marketing in various ways, yet not all approaches yield the results you strive for. In this section, we’ve compiled a list of effective tips that will help your business scale and provide a seamless customer experience.

  1. Segment your audience. Consider incorporating AI algorithms to divide your audience into segments based on criteria such as demographics, interests, purchase history, and other relevant factors. By doing so, you’ll be able to communicate targeted messages and relevant offers to different customer groups, improving engagement and sales.
  2. Personalize content and recommendations. Personalize content and product recommendations according to individual customer preferences and behavior. For better results, you should use data-driven insights to send timely messages that resonate with different customers’ needs.
  3. Optimize your email marketing strategy. AI is essential for effective email campaigns. You can analyze open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics. Consider testing various subject lines, content formats, and send times to identify the best options that increase engagement and conversions.
  4. Use a marketing automation platform. Consider choosing a marketing automation service to run your communication with customers on autopilot, such as email campaigns, chatbots, and content generation. It will help you perform repetitive tasks automatically without needing to assign them to your team members, improving their efficiency.
  5. Utilize behavioral targeting. Incorporate AI-powered behavioral targeting to send relevant and timely content and product recommendations based on user's interactions with your company and their behavior. It will help customers receive what they need and make faster purchasing decisions.
  6. Optimize your content. Consider using AI to dynamically optimize content based on real-time data such as user demographics, preferences, and browsing history. This way, you’ll be able to deliver the most relevant content.
  7. Incorporate automated email campaigns. Incorporate AI-driven email campaigns to send personalized emails to the right audience segments at the right time. Since AI can analyze user behavior, you’ll be able to identify the best timing and content for each email you send to subscribers.
  8. Integrate chatbots and virtual assistants. Consider implementing AI-powered chatbots or virtual assistants into your marketing strategy to ensure round-the-clock support, instantly provide answers to FAQs, and guide users through the sales funnel. It will help you improve customer satisfaction, help clients find the right products, and increase sales.
  9. Optimize advertising campaigns. Utilize AI to improve advertising campaigns across multiple marketing channels by analyzing performance data and adjusting targeting, bidding strategies, and ad creatives.
  10. Apply predictive analysis. Since AI can forecast future trends, identify prospective customers, and find out customer needs, you should use it to your advantage. Employ predictive analytics to optimize your marketing campaigns and improve ROI.
  11. Qualify leads on autopilot. Use AI algorithms to automatically identify the right audience and qualify prospects based on their engagement level, demographics, and purchase intent. This will allow you to focus on qualified leads who are more likely to purchase and improve your conversion rates.

Congrats, now you know what AI marketing automation is and how your business can benefit from implementing it. Register in SendPulse to improve customer experience and satisfaction by incorporating chatbots for Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, and WhatsApp into your customer support, product recommendations, and reservation system.


  1. This article unveils the use of AI in marketing.
  2. In this article, you’ll find a list of AI marketing automation tools for various purposes.
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