Email Marketing

Fresh Ideas and Tips for Your Mother’s Day Email Campaign

Fresh Ideas and Tips for Your Mother’s Day Email Campaign

In the US, Mother’s Day 2021 will occur on Sunday, May 9th. It might sound like you have plenty of time, but don’t let that illusion mislead you. It’s always better to prepare your creatives, landing pages, and Mother’s Day email templates in advance than to finish them haphazardly and work on a last-minute campaign.

Make your Mother’s Day marketing campaign effective, unique, and stress-free this year — our recommendations are sure to help you with that. Also, get some inspiration from the beautiful and professionally done emails we’ve rounded up for you.

11 tried-and-true ideas for your Mother’s Day emails

Mother’s Day is your chance to humanize your brand, appeal to the emotional side of your audience, and celebrate mothers and women in general by recognizing their choices, challenges, and successes. A new generation of buyers will only appreciate you tackling this significant topic — Gen Z prefers brands with expressed ethics and the incentive to improve the world. With that in mind, let’s look for some email inspo.

Offer gift guides and curated items

It’s always nice to feel like someone has taken care of you and you have nothing to worry about. You can provide your clients with that feeling by offering them gift ideas and guides. After all, choosing the right gift can be quite a task, especially when Mother’s Day is right around the corner.

We suggest splitting your products into several theme-based categories:

mother's day email example
Craft a few gift collections for your customers

If you don’t have that many products on your website, just pick a few prominent items or bestsellers that will make perfect gifts. They don’t even need to have a common theme or a style — choose the best options for different budgets and offer nice wrapping.

Spell out your delivery time

People want their gifts to be delivered on time, especially when there’s a nice family gathering or a Zoom dinner party planned. You can do them a favor by offering express delivery or mentioning the estimated delivery time in your Mother’s Day email.

Mother’s Day email inspo
Mention how long it will take for an order to be processed and shipped

If you know that delivery services are overwhelmed, and there are delays, mention that too. It’s not a pleasant thing to say, but at least you’ll be honest with your customers and encourage them to place their orders ahead of time so that no one will be disappointed.

Don’t forget about moms-to-be

It’s a cute and thoughtful gesture to celebrate expecting moms as well. Create a special gift collection for them or feature selected items that will make the life of a mom-to-be a bit easier. If there’s nothing remotely related to that in your shop, you can simply celebrate that category of mothers in your email copy — that counts too.

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Offer gifts for different categories of moms to increase the probability of a purchase

Mother’s-Day-related storytelling will remind your audience that there are real people behind your brand — people with challenges, choices, and lifestyles similar to theirs. For example, you can share your family photos, traditions, drawings, or recipes in a way that corresponds with your brand’s philosophy and allows you to feature your products.

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Inject some heart-warming stories in your promotional emails

Stay away from stereotypes

Mothers play so many roles in society that it’s going to come across as cliche to refer to only one of those roles. If you decide to speak to stay-at-home moms, but you sell accessories that fit literally everyone, working mothers with active hobbies won’t be able to relate to your message. The result will be a drop in your conversion rate. So, consider the diversity of your target audience.

If you’re not sure what tone to take, go for something neutral and recognize that mothers have diverse lifestyles, needs, and preferences. This way, no one will feel excluded from the conversation.

The same concept applies to the visual side of things: you don’t need to use stereotypically feminine, pink design if it doesn’t correspond with your overall style at all. And don’t feel obliged to include tons of flourishes or flowers in your Mother’s Day email template unless flowers are what you’re selling. Those are aesthetically pleasant elements, but there’s no crime in skipping them.

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Try to make your message relatable for a broad audience; source: Email Design

Remind your customers to celebrate moms around them

Stepmothers, aunts, grandmothers, you name it. There are so many women that can and should be included in that celebration, so it makes sense to encourage your customers to strengthen their social bonds by celebrating all of them. Also, it’s another reason for you to create themed collections and showcase more of your products.

Help your customers find an appropriate gift for the moms in their life

Prepare custom printable gift cards

These are extremely helpful for those who have run out of ideas or aren’t sure the delivery guy will make it in time. This way, your customers will be able to surprise their mothers by letting them choose what they want without giving or sending them a blank coupon. Instead, they’ll send or hand over a one-of-a-kind card.

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Custom gift cards will add a human touch to your Mother’s Day email campaign; source: Really Good Emails

Offer to donate to a charity of their choice

This is a sure way to make your offer more attractive and evoke trust. People are aware that even a small donation can make a change, but they don’t know which organization to support and don’t have time to do the research. By offering gift cards that will also bring value to the world, you demonstrate that your team wants to do the right thing and looks beyond getting momentary profit. You will also make your customers feel better by letting them know that their purchases will bring someone else a bit of joy too.

Even glamorous brands offer a donation-with-purchase

Because it’s Mother’s Day, you can choose a noble cause like helping families in need or supporting non-profit organizations where most of the caregivers are women. However, an important thing is to avoid making your Mother’s Day email sound too heavy. It should still be inspiring.

Take a look at the next example — St. Baldrick’s Foundation is encouraging their subscribers to help kids with cancer, but they do it in a friendly, easy way. That email still radiates feel-good vibes despite tackling such a serious topic.

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Keep the tone of your email light and playful; source: Really Good Emails

Broaden the conversation by including all caregivers

This is especially thoughtful, considering the ongoing global pandemic. Also, it’s a smart move if you don’t have that much of a variety of items that could be selected specifically for moms. By inspiring your subscribers to celebrate people that protect and help others, you’ll address a wider audience and prove that your brand is passionate about making a positive impact.

In addition to promoting your products, write meaningful copy

Share ideas on how to spend Mother’s Day together

Listicles are great — they allow you to share a bunch of ideas in the most readable format possible, and you can encourage your readers to go through all of them by promising them a little bonus at the end. Mother’s Day is a family day, but it shouldn’t be limited to eating a cake at home, so why not suggest ideas for a picnic or an alco-free cocktail party?

If an in-person meeting isn’t possible, there are still plenty of options. Aside from delivering gifts on time, you can suggest watching a movie together online or having a candle-light family dinner via Zoom — they’ll certainly appreciate your creative ideas and the fact that you want to help them make their gathering more memorable.

Help your customers spend Mother’s Day in a new and fun way; source: Really Good Emails

Be sensitive and empathic

Last but not least. It’s been a tough year, and many people are still separated and can’t hug their parents. Make sure you don’t trigger negative emotions by promoting an unapologetically happy picture of an “ideal” family. It’s better to keep your messaging heart-warming, respectful, and understanding — your audience will appreciate it.

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Give your customers an option to avoid Mother’s Day emails; source: Really Good Emails

5 design tips for your Mother’s Day campaign

How do you design your Mother’s Day email template and other related content without being too cheesy or predictable? Here are a few recommendations that can help you make your Mother’s Day marketing both effective and tasteful.

Use real photos

There is a neat tradition of printing Christmas cards with personal photos — you can apply the same principle to your Mother’s Day email and personalize it by telling a bit about mothers in your team and sharing their happy photos or stories. Cute? Certainly. Relatable? Absolutely.

Share authentic and imperfect pictures that convey real emotions

Add some atmospheric pastel colors

Use soft, pastel, and dreamy colors to create a more cozy, emotional mood for your Mother’s Day email campaign — just make sure your branding can still be easily recognized. Try to convey an atmosphere of home, leisure, quality time together, warm memories, or family vacations. It’s not a must but rather a sure way to evoke certain emotions and get your customers into the purchasing mood.

Make sure your design evokes the feelings associated with Mother’s Day

Go for bold design

If you want your brand to stand out from the crowd, ditch the conventional rules on purpose and stay true to your style. You can refer to Mother’s Day with your headline but intentionally avoid using any typical decorative elements — your devoted customers will only appreciate your original and fresh approach.

A bright design will make your Mother’s Day campaign stand out

Use stylized high-quality product photos

You won’t regret doing a special Mother’s Day product photoshoot because it will let your audience see your offer in a new light, both literally and figuratively. If you use a consistent visual style, it will connect even the most diverse items and turn them into desirable gifts.

Here, you can see an example of an elegant style that signifies that featured products will make great gifts for women but doesn’t scream about it.

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Highlight your Mother’s Day gift ideas by choosing one visual style; source: Really Good Emails

Show your product in use

It’s one thing to see a sterile white-background product photo and another thing entirely to actually see that product in real life, with natural light. You can collaborate with mom influencers and use their photos to associate certain types of products with certain types of moms — for example, calm, active, classy, or adventurous. An influencer’s name will do the rest by attracting attention to your Mother’s Day campaign. If you don’t have the budget for that, take those real-life photos with the help of your in-house team.

Real photos will make your audience want to try your product; source: Really Good Emails

15 subject line ideas for Mother’s Day emails

Remember that your subject line and preview text should complement each other. Let us give you a few ideas on how to approach writing Mother’s day subject lines.

You can go for something emotional and remind your subscribers how important the holiday is:

  • Make her smile! Shop for Mother’s Day gifts now
  • She’s gonna love it! Find a gift for your mom
  • Show her that you care — treat your mom this Mother’s Day
  • Surprise your mom with a special gift!
  • It’s her day! Give your mom a gift she deserves

Usually, marketers play the urgency card to stimulate their target audience to grab a good offer before it’s gone. Mother’s Day is no exception:

  • Get her a Mother’s day gift on time!
  • One day left to pre-order a Mother’s Day gift
  • Mother’s day is around the corner. Are you prepared?
  • Don’t make her wait — get your mom a gift now
  • Mother’s Day is almost here! Check our sale

You can also share some inspiration and promise your subscribers that you’ll ease the burden by helping them to choose a perfect gift:

  • Ready for Mother’s Day? Steal the best gift ideas from us!
  • Out of gift ideas for Mother’s Day? We’ve got you covered
  • Want to surprise your mom? Check our gift guide
  • Still no gift for Mother’s Day? Let us help
  • We know what she wants! Perfect Mother’s Day gifts are here

Your Mother’s Day emails, reimagined

If you’re eager to apply what you’ve just learned, create your Mother’s Day campaign using SendPulse. It makes it surprisingly easy to automate an email campaign and keep things moving while you’re busy with something else. You don’t need to have any coding experience or design skills — just use our simple drag-and-drop editor to create your personalized emails. Start now and simplify your marketing routine once and for all!

Date of publication:

April 13, 2021
Elena Timofeeva

Good writing makes my heart beat faster. So does a good conversion rate. In my free time, I obsessively learn...

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