How to Use Lead Magnets Effectively. Part 1

April 13, 2018

Marketing and Sales

"Give me something I need and I will give you my soul. Well, not the soul of course, just my email, but for you, marketer, I know, this is really a big deal". This 'something' is what we call a lead magnet. Learn how to create the one which will attract your customers. The article comes in handy.

GDPR is Coming — Email Marketers Get Ready

April 5, 2018

New Features and Updates

GDPR is a regulation that requires companies to protect the personal data and privacy for all individuals within the EU. Non-compliance will cost businesses dearly. For email marketing it will mean, first of all, changes in obtaining consent. Read the article to understand the new law on data privacy, get ready and comply with it successfully.

Email Marketing Makes Your Charity Public

March 28, 2018

Email Marketing

You do not need to be rich to donate money: your emails can do more than thousands of dollars. Email meesages are one of the best ways to announce that your company is participating in some charity program. This way is popular, cheaper than any PR-campaign and its efficiency has been proven. How? Read our article to learn how brands already use email marketing to promote their charity acts engaging their customers in noble deeds.

How to write a killer email copy

March 13, 2018

Email Marketing

Copywriting is more than just writing well. For email marketing, this is not a matter of principle — this is a matter of conversion. You may find a knock-down template for your emails, but nobody will create the original email copy for you cause original means genuine. We are here to unveil some secrets how to make it all incredible... and genuine.

SendPulse and Zapier Integration

January 17, 2018

Useful Tools

If you run a small business, your clients’ contact information most likely are in a variety of applications or services. Without a special service, it would be difficult and costly to set up automated data ...