Design Tips for Images in Your Emails

July 18, 2018

Email Marketing

Want to enjoy all the advantages of using images in email campaigns? Want to understand how to build an email using responsive design and get to know how to embed pictures in your SendPulse emails? This article is to meet your expectations, so keep reading.

Five Ways to Combine Email and Facebook Marketing

June 14, 2018

Email Marketing

Which performs better: email or social media? It's the question that seems to have been on everybody's mind for as long as these tools are around. Would you like to know the benefits each channel provides to marketers and the ways to combine this duo? If so, keep reading.

New GDPR Tools for SendPulse Users

June 8, 2018

New Features and Updates

In regards with GDPR SenPulse has prepared a set of tools for its users: allowing subscribers to edit or delete their personal information, and providing an option to re-confirm consent to receive messages. Including the variables for data processing concent — when and wfrom which IP address.