Email Marketing

Top 6 Variants of the Unsubscribe Page

Top 6 Variants of the Unsubscribe Page

Every marketer knows how difficult it is to get a new subscriber. That’s why the process of parting with subscribers is particularly painful. But, unfortunately, unsubscribing is an essential and inevitable process in email marketing.

What are the reasons people unsubscribe from your newsletter?

Research from the «Litmus» company found out the following reasons:

  • 54% complain about the high frequency of newsletters;
  • 49% consider the content to be repetitive and uninteresting;
  • 47% decided to reduce the number of emails received;
  • 25% consider the content to be irrelevant;
  • 24% prefer to choose the products and content on the website by themselves;
  • 22% signed up only for a one-time offer or to get the gift;
  • 13% say that their circumstances have changed (marital status, work, etc.);
  • 8% subscribed to competitors’ newsletters;
  • 6% started using another channel to get the information (e.g. social networks).

Today, the practice of email marketing has a lot of tips and tricks to keep your subscribers. One of them is the unsubscribe page, and we will demonstrate the 6 most effective strategies to keep even the most fervent who wish to unsubscribe.


Wpromote marketing agency has developed a very effective message to the “deserters”. Besides unsubscribing from receiving newsletters, subscribers are given the opportunity to change their frequency: weekly, monthly or quarterly.


Online store Bonobos uses the strategy of slowing down the newsletters, too. Besides being able to unsubscribe and choose the frequency of newsletters, the recipient has the opportunity to take a break from them altogether. This strategy has prevented about 25% of attempts to unsubscribe. Depending on the character and frequency of your current newsletter, determine the options that you can provide to subscribers.


Subscribers can mistakenly unsubscribe in the practice of email marketing, but it can be combated

Internet store «Woot! » fights erroneous unsubscribing with the help of comic-style games. In the first email they affirm that the subscriber will receive one last email and maybe a creepy voicemail. Is it a joke or not? Let’s check the email.

Of course, it was a joke, and we were totally unsubscribed from all newsletters. However, if it was done by mistake, then you can sign up again. Sending additional letters with notifications to unsubscribe is somewhat controversial, because such emails can be marked as spam.


Often, online stores have a high frequency of newsletters and the online store Fab isn’t an exception. Sending emails several times a day, they clearly realize the risks of falling into the spam folder.

Therefore, they greatly simplify the process of unsubscribing by placing the unsubscribe link in the most prominent place. However, don’t think that their objective is to get subscribers to unsubscribe. This way they solve two problems: they are reinsured from falling into the spam folder and unsubscribing at the same time. After clicking the link, the user hits the masterfully created page to unsubscribe. Two options are available here: to unsubscribe and to choose the frequency of newsletters.

The reasonableness of the last option deserves an applause. The recipient can disable each newsletter separately, as well as choose the days they want to receive emails and in which categories.

In addition, the subscriber has the opportunity to re-subscribe.


«HubSpot» company created one of the most original unsubscribe pages.

Everything on the page is concise and simple, and it’s clear that we were unsubscribed from the newsletter. Then they sent this: «We already miss how close we used to be. How about a second chance?». The offer to transfer their communication to social networks is a very competent course. Moreover, all of this is «spiced» with a video message from employee Dan Sally

Everything is good with their unsubscribe page. However, we would recommend experimenting with the «Resubscribe» button.

Charity Water

One more variant to keep a subscriber is to offer something in return. It is a controversial way and it is necessary to use it carefully. Such a proposal should look like a real alternative, but it shouldn’t prevent them from unsubscribing. Most companies offer valuable content.

The «Charity Water» company offers something more interesting. As the last offer shows, they give users the opportunity to see the punishment of the head of the company for overtime work. Who would not want to see what you could only dream of doing to your boss?!

So, place the «Unsubscribe» button in a prominent place make sure the unsubscribe process is implemented in a single click without the need to enter a login and password, otherwise the recipient will simply add you to the filter or will delete your emails without reading them.

Date of publication:

December 28, 2015
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